Betsy Ayala, brit&aacute;nica y de 34 a&ntilde;os, lleg&oacute; a pesar 130 kilos y, aunque hab&iacute;a intentado varias veces bajar de peso, no pudo hacerlo hasta que un episodio con su ex esposo le cambi&oacute; la vida: descubri&oacute; que la enga&ntilde;aba con una compa&ntilde;era de trabajo. En los chats de Facebook con la amante, se refer&iacute;a a ella como &quot;la vaca&quot; y se re&iacute;a de su apariencia f&iacute;sica. Despu&eacute;s de convivir 14 a&ntilde;os, decidi&oacute; abandonarlo y cambi&oacute; radicalmente su figura. La mujer luchaba contra la obesidad desde que ten&iacute;a 13 a&ntilde;os. Luego de descubrir el enga&ntilde;o, comenz&oacute; a cuidar m&aacute;s su cuerpo, adelgaz&oacute; 50 kilos y muestra su impactante cambio en Instagram. Betsy record&oacute; que el ex quer&iacute;a que consuma comida chatarra todo el tiempo y siempre la alagaba por su belleza. Por eso le impact&oacute; encontrarse con las conversaciones en que la trataba de vaca. Tras confirmar el enga&ntilde;o adopt&oacute; h&aacute;bitos de vida saludable y su vida dio un giro de 180 grados. &quot;Soy una persona completamente diferente, tanto por dentro como por fuera. Soy m&aacute;s feliz, m&aacute;s segura y m&aacute;s positiva. S&eacute; que soy capaz de mucho y estoy muy contenta de ser un buen ejemplo para mi hija&quot;, dijo Betsy. &nbsp; <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;">#TBT To my slice of heaven ???????? Take me baaaaack ???? #michoacana ?????????????? ----------------------------------------- #queenb ???? #lightthematch #alwaysinpursuit #relentless #fitmom #fitchick #girlswholift #momswholift #fitness #fitspo #weightloss #transformation #body afterbaby #wellnesscoach #fueledbyherbalife #boss #mommymakeover #weightlosstransformation #beforeandafter #Herbalife #herbalife24 <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">Una publicaci&oacute;n compartida por Betsy Ayala ?? 111 LBS (@queen_b_b) el 9 de Nov de 2017 a la(s) 11:51 PST &nbsp; <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;">Happy Monday Fam!!!! One of the top questions I get on a daily is HOW? ... The Answer? Change your nutrition! I&#39;ve talked in the past about how my weight struggle was something I dealt with my whole life ... things didn&#39;t change for me until I changed one thing MY NUTRITION ???? I made the decision to start incorporating Herbalife shakes and did monthly challenges to stay on track and it&#39;s what I&#39;ve done since. There are a million ways to change your nutrition but for me this is what worked. I was a new mom with no energy and no time to spend on something complicated so this worked for ME. I think the key is to find something that works for you and your lifestyle that you can maintain long term. Every method you use to stay fit and healthy will work as long as you keep at it there are no temporary fixes no shortcuts and no easy fixes. Did people tell me I should do it the &quot;natural&quot; way yes! Did they say just eat better? yes! Did they say just get active? yes! But guess what? I now run circles around them because only you can decide what is right for you ????????&zwj;?? For things to change things have to change and it starts with YOU ?????????????? #firqueenarmy -------------------------------------------- #21dayshakechallenge #lightthematch #alwaysinpursuit #relentless #fitmom #fitchick #girlswholift #momswholift #fitness #fitspo #weightloss #transformation #bodyafterbaby #wellnesscoach #fueledbyherbalife #boss #mommymakeover #weightlosstransformation #beforeandafter #Herbalife #herbalife24 <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">Una publicaci&oacute;n compartida por Betsy Ayala ?? 111 LBS (@queen_b_b) el 24 de Jul de 2017 a la(s) 10:41 PDT Fuente: minutouno