Lunes 24.03.2025
Actualizado hace 10min.

Se operó 18 veces y gastó 175 mil dólares para parecerse a Madonna

Adam Guerra siempre soñó con ser una diosa del pop.


Luego del falso rumor de que una joven iraní se sometió a más de 50 cirugías para parecerse a Angelina Jolie, trascendió la historia de Adam Guerra. A los 19 años su gran sueño era convertirse en una diosa del pop.

Así que decidió emprender un rumbo muy particular para parecerse a su gran ídola, Madonna. Cuando entró en un concurso para interpretar a la cantante en Hollywood y ganó el primer lugar se dio cuenta de lo que podía hacer con esta pasión.


Im shocked, gagged, overjoyed and humble. I would like to thank everyone at World of Wonder Productions for awarding me their "BEST IMPERSONATOR AWARD" 2017. In case you have been living under a rock World of Wonder Productions is the production company that produces Rupaul's Drag Race. I walked into the awards show last night not even expecting to win, literally rushing a 30 min Face on, rushing due to a busy long day of school, at the same time thinking to myself don't stress cause you are not gonna get an award. Thank you World of Wonder for proving my self doubt wrong and reminding me that life can reward you at surprise you at any moment. I would like to take some time to say my Thank Yous. 1st and foremost Thank you to my Mother Annette for everything and for teaching me if you gonna do something, do it to the maximum. To my father and my aunt Sylvia Ortiz who taught me if you have a talent and a Passion make a business out of it. To my loving boyfriend who has picked me up in so many ways And who has made me feel loved inside and out of drag. To my manager who has always had my back and had treated me like a friend and a queen. To @RuPaul for Recognizing my talent and given me a once in a lifetime opportunity and changing my life and given me the platform that has gifted me many wonderful experiences and endless opportunities. To my new found Nichiren Buddism practice Which is taught me to become a better version of myself and reminds me each and every day that the power is within you. Thank you Brian McKenzie for Guiding me in my new spiritual practice. To my costume designer Tony Iniguez Manaz Who has been with me since the beginning and who has always made me look fierce and exactly like the queen. To my friend and boss Dan Gore for inspiring me to keep doing what I love to do And for being an amazing director and producer. To my trainer Lawrence Narcisse who has help me get my body back in shape. To my besties Londa Vung and Sumista Vong who make me smile everyday. To the city of Paris For inspiring me this year to be better. To all the fans here who I have made relationships with, have had live chats with, and have shared wonderful moments with.

Una publicación compartida por The Secret Life of Venus DLite (@venusdlitemadonna) el

Luego de más de 10 años, 175 mil dólares invertidos y 18 intervenciones quirúrgicas, su aspecto es mucho más parecido al de la cantante. Sin embargo, las numerosas cirugías del joven sólo sirvieron como base para que él luego gracias al maquillaje y a la ropa pueda al fin lucir igual que Madonna.

“Me enamoré de Madonna cuando tenía 15 años", explicó Adam. “Ella solo habló con mi alma. Tengo una adicción a ser Madonna. Me siento respetado cuando soy Madonna, pero no sé quién es Adam ", confesó al programa My Strange Addiction (Mi extraña adicción) del canal TLC.

Incluso, para sus shows, "Venus" trabaja con Carlton Wilbron, uno de los instructores de baile de la artista. Tras años en el mundo del transformismo, se hizo mundialmente conocido por su participación en la tercera temporada del reality Rupaul's Drag Race, del que fue eliminado bastante rápido.