Una mujer se volvi&oacute; viral en redes sociales luego de compartir una rese&ntilde;a de un delineador de ojos que no se corri&oacute; ni un mil&iacute;metro incluso despu&eacute;s de tener un accidente automovil&iacute;stico. &nbsp; <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;">Sorry I haven&#39;t posted in a few days and I am sorry I don&#39;t have a funny caption for you today. On Wednesday June 28th I was parked on the side of a highway, with my hazards on, calling for roadside assistance because I ran out of gas. While on the phone for help I was hit by a driver going 56pmh. I was treated in the ER for a cervical strain, closed head injury, knee contusion and forehead lacerations. I consider myself lucky to have walked away from the accident relatively unhurt and alive. The reason the other driver hit me is still not known. But I have my life and am surrounded by such great friends, coworkers and family. Mahalo nui loa to the paramedics, doctors and everyone else who helped me. <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">Una publicaci&oacute;n compartida por Shelby (@coffeecatsandcusswords) el Jun 29, 2017 at 4:48 PDT Shelby Pagan, una enfermera estadounidense de 25 a&ntilde;os, estaba estacionada cuando un veh&iacute;culo a toda velocidad la choc&oacute; por detr&aacute;s dej&aacute;ndola herida. Cuando estaba en el hospital decidi&oacute; sacarse una selfie pensando que pod&iacute;a servir como medio de prueba. Luego de uno d&iacute;as volvi&oacute; a mirar la foto y se percat&oacute; de un detalle que le llam&oacute; la atenci&oacute;n: ten&iacute;a todo el maquillaje corrido menos el delineador. Aunque la rese&ntilde;a pas&oacute; completamente desapercibida, fue una usuaria de Twitter que la volvi&oacute; viral hace pocos d&iacute;as luego que, cuando quiso comprar el producto, se encontr&oacute; con la rese&ntilde;a en internet.